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Flat Tire Repair

A road hazard can unexpectedly jump out in front of you at any time.

In the event that you hit a pothole, or encounter any other road hazards, don’t go kicking your tires just yet! If possible, the experts at Wiygul Automotive Clinic will save you money by repairing your flat tire and getting you back on the roads quickly!

  • Flat Tire Repair FREE

Wiygul Automotive Clinic highly recommends drivers avoid fix-a-flat repair type kits. Once you use those types of products, the tire is left unrepairable. Instead, bring your vehicle to one of our 7 tire shops and let our experienced technicians evaluate and repair the damage.

In order to help you maximize the life of your tires, we offer the following tire services:

Tire Rotation $20
Tire Balancing (price per wheel) $20
Tire Alignment (exceptions apply) $99.99

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