Check Your Tire Size
Purchase new tires that are the same size as your vehicle's original tires. You can substitute another size as long as it is recommended by the vehicle, not the tire manufacturer. If you are unsure about the correct tire size for your vehicle consult with your local tire stores in Fairfax, Virginia. Review the tire information card, your vehicle owner's manual, or the sidewall of your present tire to maintain the safety of your tires.
A maintenance note: If you are driving with under-inflated tires, fill your tires to the recommended cold inflation pressure (PSI, or pounds per square inch) shown on your vehicle's tire sidewall information or safety certification label every month for optimum safety and maximum fuel efficiency.
Learn about Tire Tread
The tire tread is the velcro that creates the critical gripping action we call traction. It holds the vehicle to the road surface to secure your line of motion and prevent your vehicle from slipping or sliding, especially under less than ideal road conditions. As a rule, tires need replacing when the tread is worn to 1/16 of one inch. Tires, like high-tech toothbrushes and batteries, now have built-in indicators that know when it is time for tire replacement. The tried-and-true method for checking tire tread depth safety is to stick a penny in the tread with Lincoln's head facing you, upside down. If you can see the top of Lincoln's head, you need to check your local tire stores in Fairfax, Virginia to find new tires.
Tire Store Basics
Federal law mandates tire manufacturers place standard information that identifies and describes the primary characteristics of each tire on its sidewall. It also provides a tire identification number for safety certification by the Uniform Tire Quality Grading System (UTQGS) maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Any professional tire center, such as the one at Wiygul Automotive Clinic, will offer you the best access to a wide variety of tire choices. The experienced, skilled ASE-Certified auto technicians can not only assist in finding the proper tire for your vehicle, but they can also mount and balance your new tires. So do your homework and know the basics about tires, then see the trusted experts at Wiygul Automotive Clinic, a standout in service among local tire stores in Fairfax, VA.