A quick tire repair, after a blowout happens to your Reston, VA auto, gets you back on the road with only a minimal expense and an equally minimal amount of time. Our specialists here at Wiygul Automotive Clinics can repair most tire damage and save you the greater expense of tire replacement.
The cause of a flat or blowout often lands right in front of us. It might be debris from a garbage truck, loose gravel from a construction vehicle, or some other hazard we have to drive over every week. That includes the potholes which seem to grow and expand overnight.
Our specialists approach tire repair as a permanent solution to each flat. That is why we never recommend gimmicks like the cans of ‘fix-a-flat’ available in home-and-auto stores and other retail outlets. These foam chemicals are a temporary solution that only last a day or two, before they begin to leak, disintegrate, and render the tire useless to apply a permanent repair. Wiygul Automotive charges $20-$30 for each repair, depending on where the damage happened and the size of the tear. That makes each can of fix-a-flat barely any cheaper than a professional repair.
It is not always a pothole or debris in the road that flattens a tire. Uneven wear can split tire tread that looks good from the outside. Since each wheel wears differently depending on its position, this is a normal occurrence, but not one without a solution. Routine rotation of your tires from side-to-side and front-to-back reduces uneven wear and the chance of a flat.
At Wiygul Automotive, we recommend bringing in your auto to our Reston, VA Clinic after every five to eight thousand miles of operation. The cost for rotation is only $20 per vehicle, takes only a few minutes, and our technicians can perform one at any of our Virginia Clinics.
If any of your tires have already started to wear down past their wear bars, the only method left to prevent a blowout is to replace them on your Reston, VA auto before it can happen. We maintain in stock every major tire manufacturer to support all automotive brands, domestic and foreign. If you already purchased tires elsewhere, we can install them for you. Our only requirements are that they meet the Department of Transportation safety regulations and fit your wheels properly.
Regardless of where you buy them, Wiygul Automotive charges $20 per wheel to mount and balance new tires. Our tire specialists can also perform a complete alignment of all four tires for only $99.99. We encourage customers, whenever possible, to purchase four new tires. Replacing them as a set makes balancing and alignment easier, which helps to maintain even tread wear we bring the car off the rack. To schedule a tire repair, purchase new tires, or for any other service, call us today at 1-866-702-8050.